About Me


Thank you for visiting my website. I’m planning my first Camino pilgrimage, the Portuguese Coastal route, from Porto in April 2024. I’ve decided to record my adventures both preparing for my walk, and actually doing that walk, here. I’ve organized this Camino on my own. I will carry my backpack, stay mainly in hostels and pray that I can do it. I’m 79.

Since I’m always curious where other people are from and what they do, I’ll add that I’m Canadian, my late husband was born in Scotland. I left teaching (English and Theatre) to raise three children. I still have a small business – wholesale distribution to craft stores. I garden, read, knit, write, walk and I’m always up for a new adventure!

Originally, I created this weblog as a way of making it easier for friends and family to follow my journey. I know, though, that the Camino creates its own families. Welcome to my Camino family. I’m so happy you’ve decided to join me.

Buen Camino.

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