Today was a busy churning through the check list day:
1. Get haircut. Done
2. Return 2 purchases that didn’t work to MEC. Done.
They were a) a new waist pack because the one I have and like, keeps unclasping. I didn’t like the one I bought. It was too stiff and ugly, so I’ll just have to work with the one I have. The second item b) was the neon money belt which I hated as well. I found another one at MEC. It was a little coarse, but I stitched an old T-shirt to the back and it is now very comfortable!!
3. Drove over to Walmart and bought a small foldable keyboard. I had ordered one online, but they shipped me someone else’s order of a dozen BIC pens instead. First who orders just a package of cheap pens online? And secondly who delivers to an address that is about an hour’s drive away. Anyway, Walmart sent me a return label and deleted my charge. Honestly, now you have to book time to spend on the phone – no contact information online – to just deal with your shopping – or maybe that should be shipping.
4. Dropped over to The Great Canadian Sox Co. to buy 2 pairs of merino socks. I bought 4 pairs in the Fall, but I’m missing a few. I’ve said before, I live in a crazy house.

5. After lunch, I walked to the pharmacy to pick up scripts and Imodium. It’s the drug you don’t want to have to go out and buy when you realize you need it. I also bought Ibuprofen, a painkiller and anti-inflamtory all rolled into one. Just in case the horrid tendinitis returns.
6. I rummaged around and found smaller pill vials for my scripts – fortunately just two, while my foldable keyboard was charging. I am now writing this post with my “toy” keyboard Bluetoothed to my phone in my WordPress app. I did have to go back and read the instructions for putting the keyboard in Bluetooth mode, it would have saved me an hour or so of frustration had I done it at the start. Believe me, I could have written all of Murphy’s Laws.
I still have to buy safety pins. They are recommended and I know I will use them, even if it’s just to keep body and soul together 🙂 I actually located them online at a fabric store not too far away. I wanted the really good sturdy ones, not the ones I saw at the dollar store.
I also have to order Euros from the bank and I’ll do that very soon, as they can take a while to get them in for you.
I think that’s it for now. Less than two weeks to go OMG
Buen Camino