Today had nothing to do with walking and a lot to do with sitting and being very frustrated with a new website. Please let me explain.
- I was having trouble with my old Blogger site – “Life is what happens.” My host, Go-Daddy said that I hadn’t set my DNS correctly and people couldn’t access my site. Well, somehow they could for 15 years or more and now they can’t. I have to believe it was about to be a Go-Daddy cash grab.
- I decided I needed a new host. I created a new site on Hostinger. I thought I could migrate my Blog to this new site. Well, yes, I could, but it would cost me $30.00US a month and they would only migrate 200 posts. This was not going to work! I happened to have generated close to 1,500 posts in the almost 18 years I’ve been blogging!! Sigh.
- I then decided that I would set up a completely new domain name and start with my Camino posts. I paid $10.00 and change for and began to design my new site – blank screen!!
- I have worked with WordPress before and knew I should see a template. Where was it? I asked for help. I was referred to a video which was quite good except for the hoops that I was required to LEAP through. OK, some were easy – check admin email, clear browser cache, check debugging – tick, all done – still a blank screen. I pressed (no pun intended) on. Go to file manager, find WP.config.php, find line of code with the word “false” in it and change it to “true.” Fortunately, this worked and I am so glad it did, because I was not up to dealing with the list of other options given, if this didn’t work.
- After that, I just had to struggle with the hugely UN-intuitive templates of WordPress. Fast forward 5 hours and I am here writing this post, after copying all my earlier Camino posts to my new site – ta-da!!

I’m so glad that I got my 10kms walk in this morning, because it is now time to make dinner and I have been sitting in front of my computer for nearly 6 hours.
The picture? some of my earlier posts on “” Just 1,428 to go!!
Buen Camino!!