Camino #12 – First Setback

Enter the black hole of “Tendonitis.” Two weeks ago, I developed some tendonitis in my right foot. It was my own stupid fault. I had neglected to pull the tongue of my running shoe straight and allowed a significant fold in the fabric to cut off blood supply to the right side of my right foot. I was in so much pain that I could barely take a step!!

I had to stop walking, not just the paths; I simply couldn’t walk anywhere. It was a very difficult time. I cursed my stupidity. I moped around. I limped into the office. I sighed! Several days later the pain had eased somewhat. I walked to work and back – 2kms. The next day, I walked a bit further – 4kms. The pain was going, but the sensation was still there. It could come back. Finally, I walked 10kms, with just a day pack and water. Not bad. I upped it to 10kms with my regular backpack, but half the load – 5lbs. – getting there.

Today I’m up to 7lbs. Tomorrow, I will throw in a pair of socks and hope they don’t break the camel’s back.

When I am not walking I am reading books on the Camino. I have read Shirley Maclean’s book, The Camino – hated it. I read Mary Colwell’s book, The Gathering Place, loved it. I also read Jennifer Lash’s book – Pilgrimage. It has its place. BTW Jennifer is the mother of Ralph and Joseph Fiennes – famous actors. I am now reading Bill Bennett’s book – The Way-My Way – it’s hilarious!! I also ordered at the same time – both from Indigo, so free shipping – Carolyn Gillespie’s, Pilgrim.

There are others and I will get them, once I finish my current reading. You are never alone with a good book.

Buen Camino

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