One Woman’s Camino

You can finish Tracy’s book in an evening. It’s short; it’s light and a very easy read. The author, at 51, asks her 21 year-old daughter, if she can accompany her on her Camino. The daughter with some reservation, agrees. Already, the journey from the US to St Jean Pied de Pont in 2017 is somewhat strained. Mother and daughter begin the path over the Pyrenees together but often walk separately for as long as 5 days at a time, agreeing to meet at a hub somewhere.

For me, there is a depth of experience that is missing in this book. The writer befriends other pilgrims, makes life-long friends and spends time with her daughter, but the emotional bonding isn’t there. Nor is there a lot of detail about the physical struggles of the walk, the beauty of the countryside or the excitement of new experiences, that I have found in other books. There are some good moments with her daughter, in spite of their differences, and there is a return to practising her faith, but overall, I missed the excitement, the emotion, the angst, the love, and the rich use of language.

If you are short on time and want a quick overview of the Camino, this is, as I have said before, an easy read.

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