Camino #36 – At The Airport

I’m finally almost there, after a frantic few hours of “getting it altogether.” No matter how much I plan, I’m always rushing around at the last minute. Even though, I woke up at 6:00am I really didn’t get started until after 10:00. OK, I packed my backpack, but I waited around for the kids to go to work, so I could say “Good-bye.”

I then had to pay some business taxes at the bank before I left and pick up personal taxes from the accounting service – there was of course an error, which I will sort out when I get back.

I then had two orders at work to get out. Even though I give deadlines, everyone seems to work on their own schedules. In fact while I was taping up the second order, a third order came in. I filled it quickly and shut down the computer, lest the floodgates open.

Did I mention that we’ve had torrential rain all day – sigh. At 2:00pm, I dressed in my Camino gear, sorted out credit cards, subway cards, health card…I wanted to make sure that I was working with a full deck. 🙂

I had originally planned to walk to the subway, however, with the rain, I took an Uber, which I first had to set up on my phone. Fortunately it was easy.

My journey on this side of the Atlantic was as follows – Toronto subway to Union Station, UP Express to the airport, shuttle train from Terminal 1 to Terminal 3. Lots of walking, but I cleared security almost immediately, because I had printed out my boarding pass last night…and no line – up.

OK I’m about 3 hours early for my flight, However, I can write this post, have dinner and talk to a lovely waiter, who was fascinated with my foldable keyboard. Pictures soon.

Buen Camino.

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