Tales of the Camino

This is a deceptive book. It’s just 85 pages but it covers all the bases. The author, an American, walks the first half of the Camino Francés from St. Jean Pied de Port to Leon on his own. He was planning to walk the entire route with his 25 year old daughter, however, she developed tendinitis so their plans changed. Newland walks with her from Leon to Santiago in the second half of the book, after she has recovered.

The book is very well written in a conversational style, with many references to other pilgrims, masses attended, meals eaten and terrain walked. The author is fluent in Spanish, carries his own backpack and stays mainly in hostels.

Plus, there is a very detailed summary of Newland’s reasons for walking the Camino and the Camino’s influence on the author.

“Tales of the Camino” is a very condensed overview of the walk. If you’re short on time, I definitely recommend it, because, as I have said before, it covers all the bases and makes for a very enjoyable read.

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