The Only Way is West

Bradley Chermside is the second male author I have read who writes about the Camino experience. He is younger than Bill Bennett (The Way, My Way) – mid-thirties, plays in a rock band and runs a soccer school to pay the bills. He is also quite funny, although his humour is more of the young adult off hand remark rather than the seasoned adult dry wit. There really is a different perspective in how each views the world and the walk.

I don’t seem to be able to find a date for his journey, so I will say some where between 2010 and 2015. Again, Bradley’s story follows the traditional France´s route from St. Jean to Santiago. The author is British and is one of the few that doesn’t seem to have a recurring ailment. He does have a basic quest though beyond the lure of the Camino itself. He is hoping to meet up with a girl from Melide, who left her email address on a €20 note, which turned up in Corfu, when Bradley was there on holiday. Already you can see that this book will have a different vibe than those by older authors.

I enjoyed the book. It was very well written and I suggest reading it, even if you are a little or a lot older. You will meet many young people on the trail.

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