The Way, My Way

Bill Bennett is hilarious. As a 59 year-old Australian film director, he not only has ‘creds’, he has an amazing sense of humour, even if he does have bad knees. Bill walked the Camino FranceĀ“s sometime between 2012-2013. His book follows the traditional structure of many of the books on the Camino in that he starts in St. Jean Pied de Port and ends in Santiago de Compostela. Along the way he meets some delightful people, deals with excruciating knee pain and achieves a better understanding of himself at the end.

Of the male authors on my list, he is the most empathetic, that I have read so far. He is warm, gracious and long-suffering. Walking at times over 40kms a day, he refuses to take public transit, always carries his pack and deals humorously with his physical suffering.

I don’t think I have ever read a book twice, but if I were to, I would reread Bill Bennett’s. He uses his PGS – personal guidance system often, believes in miracles, has many unique epiphanies on his walk and humbly acknowledges the power of the Camino.

Definitely a must read.

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