Walking Home

You will like this author even if she had her backpack sent ahead and used a company (Camino Ways) to book her rooms. Sonia Choquette, as a world renown intuitive guide and spiritual teacher, walked the Camino after her life and her marriage fell apart. She is a life coach, yet needed the journey to heal herself.

The book is written in an easy conversational style and I would recommend it to people –

  1. Who are intuitive themselves and can relate to the influence of past lives.
  2. Who want to know what it’s like to use a service to forward your luggage and book your rooms.
  3. Who would like to know what goes on in pilgrims’ minds, as they walk the Camino. “Walking Home” is 80% interior monologue.
  4. Who would like to know what it’s like to walk 6 weeks in almost constant rain and bitter cold in May.
  5. Who would like to walk the Camino on their own, with little interruption.

In 2008, the author in her late 40s – early 50s, with almost no training, set out from Chicago to walk the Camino FranceĀ“s over 6 weeks in May/June. She is authentic, sincere, kind, in pain, open to others, but still a very private person.

I enjoyed the book, mainly because Sonia walked on her own and kept her optimism through some relentless weather conditions that would have put many into a tailspin. I did, however, find her struggles with letting go of her demons quite repetitious – I skimmed a lot. Still, “Walking Home” reminds me that everyone’s Camino is different, everyone’s needs are different and every pilgrim is a unique entity.

P.S. The book has a happy ending!!

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