Walking Through Shadows

Carl Sesto, the author, is a photographer – a rather amazing photographer judging by the pictures on almost every page in his book. Although, they are small, black and white images, they are exquisite. He is, however, not a writer.

“Walking Through Shadows” is a fairly detailed description of the author’s walk on the Camino Frances, however, it reads more like a “What I Did On My Summer Vacation” extended essay. Although Carl stays in alberques, meets other walkers, carries his own backpack, goes regularly to mass, as a protestant and lives a very frugal pilgrim life. There is little introspection.

I wanted to read his comments on his joys and hardships. I wanted to hear how they related to an internal struggle or a personal mission. I was looking for the angst, the emotion, but they weren’t there. The book is also curiously written as a double-spaced manuscript. Visually this detracted from any intensity the book may have had.

If you are an aspiring photographer and would like to improve the pictures you take on your Camino, read Carl’s book. Study his angles and composition, his subject matter. You will be rewarded.

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