Camino #47 – Another Warm Day

I’m not really complaining because it could be a lot worse. However, it’s been about 25C with no cloud, which makes for very warm walking.

From Oia, I walked to Baiona – about 18kms. The first accommodation I came to was a hostel and I would have stayed there out of exhaustion, but they had run out of lower bunks. It was just as well, because the place looked a little dark and uninviting. The hospitalero recommended a small hotel, which was very nice and only 40 euros.

Dinner, on the other hand was disappointing. It was a busy fish restaurant and the food – clams in a tomato sauce and a seafood rice dish with tiny baby squid – was very good. However, the portions were for two. Even though they assured me that I would just be charged for one person, when the bill came it was 62.00euros. I nearly died.

After a short discussion in broken Spanish, I received a revised bill of 42.00euros. Still extortionate but at least less.

By staying in a hotel, I missed hooking up with other pilgrims. I did chat with a woman from Montana at the restaurant, who was also walking the Camino. However, she had used a tour guide to book her accommodation and move her luggage forward.

I miss the enthusiasm and sense of adventure of the real pilgrims.

Buen Camino

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