Camino #31 – A Few More Reservations…

These reservations are not second thoughts about my trip. They are the anchors that ensure I get back to Porto on time for my flight home. First I booked my return journey from Santiago to Porto. I decided to take the regular bus line – Alsa. There are trains and fancier buses, but I have travelled with Alsa before and they are inexpensive – 15euros and they have a lot of buses and are usually on time.

Booking my return ticket was very easy. The Alsa website picked up that I needed English. There was no need to switch from Spanish to English on their site. I could upgrade to change my booking, which I did and I could select my seat. I could even pay a little more and book the seat beside me so I could have more space – I didn’t. I printed a hard copy of my ticket and stored the electronic one on my phone.

I also booked two night’s accommodation in Porto. If for some reason there is a national disaster and I can’t travel on the day before my flight, I have built in a safety net by returning to Porto two days before my flight home. I booked a 4 person bunk room, in a hostel that was mentioned twice in one of the FB groups, because I might just find someone to have dinner with. There is a free walking tour of Porto the next day from this hostel, so I will take it and go from there!!

My travel agent also sent on my plane tickets. I reviewed the carry-on luggage requirements in the 5 pages of instructions that came with the tickets and I’m good – WHEW!! I double checked that I had trip interruption insurance with my credit card – also a tick!. My travel agent re-sent my medical insurance package so I have it on my phone now, as well.

Last Friday on a gloriously sunny day, I logged 12kms twice. So 24 kms with an 8.5lb backpack and no pain. Today, my neighbour gave me a book, “Breathwalk.” It outlines a method of walking that incorporates the principles of Yoga. I may even come back, as a reincarnation of myself.

March cleaning has begun. I’ve raked 25% of the back garden because the Snowdrops are up! I cut back the roses – all 12 of them and I moved the frame of a raised bed at the back of the garden to the front of the house. I even found the spirit level and – you guessed it – levelled the frame. Well I can’t have crooked lettuce, can I!

That’s it for now. I will post about the pilgrim meeting I attended on Saturday in my next post. It was such an amazing meeting that it needs its own post. I leave in exactly 4 weeks today – OMG!!

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