Camino #13 – Doing the Math

I started doing the math for my airline tickets. I was obviously so excited when I first booked that I didn’t ask enough questions or do enough thinking. Here’s what happened –

  1. Even though I had sourced all the fares myself, I decided to use a travel agent to actually book the tickets. They do have access to information that we (I) don’t and they do deal with the airlines, if there is a problem. Bottom line is I found a fare to Porto for $375.00 with a change in Lisbon.
  2. My travel agent found a direct flight via Air Transat from Toronto to Porto for almost the same price. OK this is better. She suggested that I upgrade my ticket to allow changes. I added another $125.00 to each ticket – there & back. Again, I thought OK. April is a long way off and anything could happen.
  3. Also I wanted to be able to change my return ticket in case I was running tight on time.
  4. What I didn’t realize was that you have to pay another $300.00 in addition to the $125.00 up front, to change a ticket and you have to pay the difference of the cost of the ticket when you booked and the cost of the ticket at the time of the change.
  5. The kicker, though, was that once you begin your journey, you can’t make any changes. So, if I am tight for time at the end of 250kms (375kms if I want to do the “spiritual variant” of the Portuguese coastal walk), I will have to buy a whole new ticket. File under “older & wiser.” I will not do this in future. If I have to change, it will because of an emergency and I will use my trip cancellation insurance and then re-book for another time.

They get you coming and going. It’s a changed world out there. I will walk for the return of sanity – mine at least!!

The picture? It’s a Girl Guide badge from my daughter’s collection. I am working on a quilt for her (when I am not walking and reading) I interpret these badges in fabric and embroidery. I chose this one as a reminder that I should really try to make peace with all that is unfair in this world – really so that they can walk all over us. You can see why I have to walk a Camino.

Buen camino

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