Camino #28 – Healing

We had quite a dump of snow the other day, so walking is limited. It’s just as well because the shin splints are taking a long time to heal. So I spent the day playing with my WordPress app and looking at other “phone helpers.” I still need to download duolingo for some basic Spanish. I hesitate using them because they have just laid off all their translators and are now using AI robots instead. The times, they have changed!!

I also downloaded my banking app, but have to go into a branch to activate it or I have to wait on the phone for ages. I’ve decided to go into the branch. I can then order Euros, tell them I will be away, warn them not to put a hold on my card..etc… I did make a note of the number they offer overseas clients. I have nightmares thinking of being on hold for ages from overseas to get them to unlock my card. Everything is fine, until it isn’t.

This is pretty much it for apps during my February app month. I’m already dreading March, the cleaning month.

This is a test run. I am using an old Logitech keyboard which I have synched via Bluetooth to my phone and it’s working. I downloaded a free writing app “Notions” to write my blogs off-line. I will then cut and paste them to my weblog hopefully through my new WordPress editing app. We’ll see.

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