I didn’t post yesterday, because the going was rough and I was exhausted by the end. Fortunately it didn’t rain.
Again I set out early on my own and – you guessed it – got lost. I finally found the path on a rather cold and damp morning. I walked for 15kms on a boardwalk over dunes and wetlands, but the path was often covered in 6” of sand. It was a heavy slog, on a misty day, with few walkers.
Fortunately, when I arrived in Vila Do Condo, a rather large and busy city, I was able to follow another pilgrim, Leah, from Germany, because she had an internet connection with a map. We stopped for coffee and a chat. Leah decided to stay in the town, because, although she was young and fit, she was tiring. I didn’t feel so badly about my own fatigue – Leah was the same age as my daughter.
Once I was oriented, I made my way out of the town and onto the path again, however, I was feeling very tired myself. Yesterday I had walked 21kms which was fine. Today 15kms feels like a long journey.

I decided to stay in Povoa de Varzim, when I arrived, because my hips were aching. The trick though was finding a hostel without GPS. I eventually found the tourismo, where a lovely angel of mercy called a hotel nearby, noting that all the hostels would be full because it was the weekend. I gladly accepted a 40 euro room with a shower in a very clean hotel.
After a much needed rest I headed out to buy something to eat in my room. Again a small grocery store provided cheese, crackers and chips, for a very inexpensive dinner. Of course, I was not alone in town. I met the group of 3 women from the airport in Toronto and Anika from Matosinhos – a great meetup! I also found an electronics store to buy – 3.50euros a charger for my keyboard. This, so far, is the only item I left at home.
So, my apologizes for not posting yesterday. After two sips of a glass of wine, I fell asleep at 8:00pm and basically slept until 6:0am the next morning. Hopefully, my hips will hold out for a 15km walk to Apulia today.
Bom Caminho