After my 22km hike yesterday, I opted to split the journey to Santiago based on availability of accommodation. Tonight I will stay in Faramelo in an OK hostel. I was able to book a bed online and I will be staying with the same people I stayed with in Padron – Carolina a retired widow from Holland and an Australian couple who are also retired, and have travelled extensively.
We were having lunch – bar food – outside of the hostel, when Anika, whom I had met in Matosinhos and have bumped into several times, dropped by. She stayed for lunch and then walked on another 3kms to another hostel. She was walking over 25kms today.
The short walk today – 9.5kms left me plenty of time to do laundry, write and have a glass of wine on the patio at the back of the hostel. The weather continues to be amazing.

The walk was easy and I came across a piper (bagpiper) playing in the forest part of the path. I gave him a donation and he gave me a stamp for my credential. There is a strong Celtic tradition in Galicia, hence the bagpipes. I was very happy to pay the piper.
Tomorrow all four of us will set out for Santiago at 7:00am and hopefully get there for the pilgrim mass at 12:00 noon. Apparently it’s a steady ascent for 15kms – I can hardly wait!!
It was great to be able to have company for lunch and speak English again. I really should try to be more comfortable with other languages. I’m so thankful for those who do speak another language to offer to speak English when I’m with them.
Buen Comino