Camino #8 – Fun Stuff

I wasn’t going to buy anything this weekend for my trip. I have almost everything I need except a few merino wool items – a pair of leggings, a pair of capris and 2 T-shirts. Of course FaceBook knows this and keeps posting these enticing ads for any and all of the above. I can ignore the posts for leggings at $225.00US that ship from the US. I can also ignore the “bundle” of 5 merino T-shirts for $500.00US that also ship from the US. But I couldn’t ignore the offer of the perfect black, 100% merino leggings from Stanfields that ship from Halifax (with free shipping this week only!) They were $125.00CDN. Expensive, yes, but less than half the price of the US ones.

OK, I’m not always sitting in front of my computer BUYING things. I did do my 10kms walk to the Brickworks and back, wearing my new merino long sleeved top from Joe Fresh. It was perfect, if not a little warm under my light jacket, over a short sleeved top. It was 11ÂșC most of the day.

I was back in time for lunch and managed to talk myself out of some housework – tomorrow is another day! I had time to spare. I did a crossword puzzle – still some time left. I wrote a blog post – used up an hour. Walked to the corner store for some Romaine lettuce – hmmm. Still about an hour left before dinner.

Then I remembered that I wanted to research a source for those small little fabric flags that you put on your backpack, or hat, or jacket or whatever. I knew keying in the right phrases would be a challenge. Well, obviously someone wants me to do this walk, because it took about 10 minutes to google up a store on Etsy that ships from Canada and has these small cloth flags for every country of the world and then some!!

I bought 4 – Canada, Scotland, Portugal and Spain – all for a little over $16.00CDN which included shipping.

Now to get dinner ready and keep my hands busy so I don’t buy anything else – today!! 

The picture – Heaven on Earth – a morning walk in Mud Creek!

Buen Camino!!

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