I know that we are still a month away from Christmas, but there are signs of Spring in the air. I am now booking appointments for 2024. I booked my follow-up house audit for late January. The Food and Drink glossy from the LCBO (Liquor Control Board of Ontario) had a teaser about their Spring issue in their most recent Holiday publication and I ordered 100% merino wool capris for my trip.
I don’t wear shorts. I have ugly knees, so I wear capris. It could be very warm in Portugal in April or it could be quite cool. I need to be prepared. I have my full length merino leggings and now I will have my calf length merino capris. I have decided to take my $15.00 black cotton dress from Joe Fresh (I have two) and wear that, if it’s too warm. I can also wear it as a night dress, an evening dress and a long t-shirt – thank you, Joe! I also ordered 2 pairs of merino underpants, on sale. Everyone is doing Black Friday sales, so I have saved a bit with both my purchases and both were from Canadian companies with free shipping. I now just need two merino T-shirts and two merino bras – getting there.

Plus….my Camino credential came today. This is a little book that looks like a passport. You need to get two stamps per day for as long as your journey takes and present this document in Santiago to receive your compostela certificate. I can’t wait.
Sadly, it’s rained now for two days and I have missed my walk(s). I will hopefully be able to fit one in tomorrow. I know that I will walk rain or shine on the camino, but I’m a wimp at home and prefer a dry, sunny day. My excuse was that I had orders at work, which had to be filled – better on a rainy day than a sunny one.
This Saturday there is a more casual meeting of the Toronto chapter of The Canadian Company of Pilgrims for coffee from 2-4pm downtown. I may attend. I will do my 10kms walk before, though, because my phone says that there will be sun!! The Toronto chapter is also planning a pub night at the Imperial tavern. This takes me back many years, when I used to visit a friend who lived above the bar there. I may be regressing. The Camino comes pretty close to what I did in my mid-twenties, when I hitched around Europe. Would that it could erase the wrinkles, as well.
Buen Camino