Camino #15 – 15kms and counting…

Today I walked 15kms. I managed my usual 10kms in the morning and then after lunch I walked another 5kms. And….and….I was not tired!! I think I can do 20kms on the trails. My pack still weighs about 8lbs, but I will add a few more items and see how it goes.

I also managed to improve the look of this website. I changed the theme template, adjusted the text and images and I’m much happier with it. I still need to do a bit more, but I’m terrified of destroying what I have right now, so I might just leave well enough alone, until I can get some professional help.

The Music of Mud Creek

I spent a good part of Saturday going through my old CDs and transferring the songs I like from them to my phone. However, I transferred the whole of John Denver’s Greatest Hits – I love every one of those songs. I also added two Vera Lynn favourites from an old CD and some Charlotte Church. In Rosamunde Pilcher’s “Coming Home,” there was a reference to a classic, “Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring.” I happened to have it on a Sarah Brightman CD, so of course it was added.

I need the music. It drives me forward and enriches my walk. Some might argue that I don’t hear nature, the rustle of the leaves, the birdsong, the wind… the water. My response to them is that my walks right now have little to do with the aesthetics of the environment, although I love Mud Creek. My walks are primarily a workout, a strengthening of resources. I couldn’t do them without music.

Buen Camino

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