They say the Camino changes you and the changes are always positive. From doing my walks and from reading the Camino books I have bought, I believe this is true.
Although, I still have problems with anger management, that is:
I still yell, or worse, at cyclists who ride on sidewalks rather than roads.
I still raise my voice or knock on doors in banks when I’ve been standing in line too long.

And I still push through crowds of people blocking pathways, doorways, my way(s) I may be a senior, but I refuse to be invisible. I’m not going “gentle into that goodnight.”
However, in spite of the above, I really have become a more tolerant person. I try to see life from another person’s perspective more often. I say to myself, “Well, maybe there is a reason for this behaviour or that comment.” I try to remember that life is very complex and that most people are really trying to do their best with the resources they have.
Buen Camino