I have been struggling with programming this blog site in WordPress. I’m a control freak so I want to be able to make all the changes myself and understand how they are made. I did ask for help at one point and was even going to pay someone to help me. However, it was all going to be too expensive. So I pressed on in ignorance – clicking this and tweaking that.
“Say naught the struggle not availeth.” Every time I sit down to work on the site, I manage, after several hours, to add a bit more of what I want to it. So I keep pressing on. When I reach an impasse, I walk and ponder. On my walk yesterday, I thought that perhaps I should find a course on WordPress and see if that would help. When I got home, I looked up “Learning for Life.” These are courses provided by the TDSB (Toronto District School Board) for adult continuing education. Well, “lo and behold” they had a 3 month course on WordPress for blogs and the cost for seniors was just $115.00

It’s an online course, so I never have to leave home. However I may have to skip dinner, because it’s at 5:45 to 7:45. Maybe I’ll just have to eat my words. The Camino has provided.
The picture? Words worth eating 🙂
Buen Camino